Current Classes


Interested in attending a Yoga or NIA class?  

Please contact the studio to register for a space in class.  We can be reached via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone Lisa at 231-592-5289.

We allow new students to join as space permits.

Students need to register for the class/classes they wish to attend.  

If you are unable to attend your class, please notify the studio.  If you miss two consecutive classes without notification to the studio, your spot will be reassigned.  

If you choose to drop a class, please let the studio know, via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Lisa at 231-592-5289.  Thank you.  


See Class Rates for additional information.

We follow CDC guidelines for Covid-19 safe practices.  Current guidelines are not requiring face masks or social distancing.  We are keep our indoor class sizes limited, maintain some physical distancing, and may require masking if local risks change.



No Sunday Classes 



Basic Yoga Lvl 2  10:00-11:15 AM with Lisa

Nia / 52 Moves/ MoveIT  5:30 -6:30 PM  with Lisa



Gentle Yoga 10:00-11:30 AM with Lisa

Gentle Yoga for Men 12:30 -2:00 PM with Lisa

Basic Yoga Lvl 1-2   5:30-7:00 PM with Lisa



Basic Yoga Lvl 1   10:00-11:30 AM with Lisa

Nia/ 52 Moves/ MoveIT  12:00-1:00 PM with Lisa 

Basic Yoga all levels   5:30-7:00 PM with Lisa 



Gentle Yoga 10:00-11:30 AM with Lisa

Restorative Yoga/Nidra 5:45 - 7:15 PM with Lisa



MoveIT/Nia 10:00-11:00 AM with Lisa

Adaptive Chair Yoga and Nia 52 Moves 11:30 - 12:30 PM  with Lisa



Cancellations due to poor weather will be posted on the home page and on Facebook. 

Classes are canceled when Ferris State University closes due to severe weather conditions.